About the Positive Steps programme
Positive Steps is a 12 week programme that aims to:
- Increase participation in exercise and fitness and encourage a more physically active life.
- Improve mental well-being and increase ability to take control of one’s health.
- To increase mental health and community engagement.
Sessions take place at venues within our borough and/or our Ability Bow gym.
New starters will have an assessment at week 1 and 12 at our Ability Bow gym. As well as exercise the activities may include:
- Exercise in the park.
- Local walks.
- Healthy eating sessions.
- Supermarket visits.
- Monthly social sessions.
How to Join the Positive Steps programme
Ask your GP or health professional to refer you to Ability Bow by completing a referral form and emailing it to reception@abilitybow.org
Please call reception on 020 8980 7778 with any enquiries.